Ellie V Pullin Pre-School Centre
30 Tortice Drive, Ringwood North VIC, Australia
Ringwood North
9876 4251
Melway Ref: 35 K12
Offer and placement at Ellie V Pullin Pre-School is managed by MIKA and there is no influence by Ellie V Pullin Committee or Teachers.
However once placement has been confirmed, group allocations (i.e. the days and times your child will attend kindergarten) are managed by Ellie V Pullin Pre-School. Information will be compiled by the Enrolment officer and Administration officer, with no other involvement or input from the Committee or Teachers.
Upon acceptance, families will receive a group preference form and letter from Ellie V Pullin Pre-School asking for preferences for their group allocation.
Group preference is not determined on a first in basis.
Upon return of the group preference forms, all information will be collated, and children allocated to their preferred groups. Please note that you are not guaranteed placement in your preferred group.
If there is an oversubscription for a particular group, then a ballot will be conducted. Further information on the ballot process will be communicated by the Ellie V Pullin Committee prior to 30th June 2024.
3 Year Old Groups - $0
4 Year Old Groups - $0