Three year old placement takes into account the following:
- The application is received by the closing date
- The child meets the eligibility criteria
- Where a kindergarten receives applications within its quota, all applications that list this kindergarten as first preference will be offered a place.
- Where a kindergarten receives applications in excess of its quota:
- applications will be allocated based on proximity, ie. applicants who live geographically closest to the kindergarten (and who are or will be residents of the City of Maroondah in the year of kindergarten attendance, or who reside in a municipality whose boundary with the City of Maroondah is within one kilometre of the first preference kindergarten) will be placed first (Refer to Allocation Process).
Four year old placement takes into account the following:
- The application is received by the closing date
- The child meets the eligibility criteria
- Where a kindergarten receives applications within its quota, all applications that list this kindergarten as first preference will be offered a place.
- Where a kindergarten receives applications in excess of its quota:
- children enrolling under the Government’s Priority of Access Guidelines (see below), will be placed at their 1stpreference kindergarten
- applications will be allocated based on proximity, ie. applicants who live geographically closest to the kindergarten (and who are or will be residents of the City of Maroondah in the year of kindergarten attendance, or who reside in a municipality whose boundary with the City of Maroondah is within one kilometre of the first preference kindergarten) will be placed first (Refer to Allocation Process).
Priority of Access Guidelines
Children who enrol under these guidelines include:
- Children at risk of abuse or neglect, including children in Out-of-Home Care
- Early Start Kindergarten or Access to Early Learning
- Asylum Seeker and Refugee Children
- Children eligible for the Kindergarten Fee Subsidy
- Children with additional needs, defined as children who:
- require additional assistance in order to fully participate in the kindergarten program
- require a combination of services which are individually planned
- have an identified specific disability or development delay
If your child has additional needs that may require extra support from kindergarten staff, please indicate this in the space provided on the form. Children with additional needs must enrol through the Central Enrolment System. Please attach supporting documentation from qualified professionals if you are enrolling under the Priority of Access Guidelines. Supporting documentation includes a referral from the National Disability Insurance Scheme, an Early Childhood Intervention Service, Preschool Field Officer or Maternal and Child Health Nurse.